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Bushcraft Training Event

Who this event is for

Event information

An exciting opportunity to learn some new Bushcraft Skills or brush up your existing skills.

Our County Bushcraft Team will be running two days of training with overnight accommodation in our new hammock area at Topstones, or space in a Pod.


Introduction to Bushcraft 10am – 4pm

Training will cover:

The safe use of sharp tools – bushcraft knives, axes, froes and saws

Teaching girls to use knives safely

Producing kindling

Building a fire

Sustaining a fire

Using a Kelly Kettle to boil water

Safety information on using Dutch ovens

Different fire types – Camp fires, cooking fires, smores fires

Erecting a shelter using a tarp

Using hammocks

At the end of the training you will have confidence in using tools and being able to run simple bushcraft activities with your girls.  You will also get access to be able to borrow the county bushcraft equipment including the hammocks.

Cost for just the introduction is £10 which includes drinks and snacks.

Saturday night

Leaders who have already had Bushcraft training may wish to stay overnight in our new hammock area at Topstones, sleeping out in a hammock, under a tarp.

For those slightly less adventurous Pod accommodation is available.

Cost for overnight accommodation, evening meal and breakfast



Bushcraft Cooking Extravaganza 10am – 4pm

On the Sunday, we will take you through the full range of cooking over wood and charcoal with loads of different ideas.  You will take part in activities that can be done in a unit meeting for Brownies, Guides and Rangers right up to cooking a full three course meal.

You will learn to cook without utensils, ember cook, steam, boil and bake.

By the end of this day, you will have confidence in maintaining a fire for cooking on, for a period of time and have experienced and tasted a wide range of cooking techniques.

Cost for Sunday including your full 3 course campfire meal


Whole weekend

If you want to come for the whole weekend then we are offering a discounted rate of £40

Already done an introduction session?

If you have already done an introduction session, or would like to come and practice your skills, then on the Saturday we are offering an opportunity to come and use the county equipment to refine your skills.  An instructor will be available for part of the time to support you, and some of the time will be set aside for you to practice on your own.

You can then stay on overnight for the Bushcraft cooking extravaganza on Sunday.


Need a Bushcraft set.

If you don’t have your own Bushcraft tools then don’t worry you can borrow County equipment for the weekend, but if you would like to leave with your own high quality Bushcraft kit then we can supply you with your own:

Bushcraft Knife

Quality Fire Steel

Tinder tin with tinder

Fire blow Tube



This opportunity is being offered to Leicestershire Leaders first and will then be offered to leaders across the Region so we strongly advise booking early as places will be limited.

Payment should be made by BACS to

Deposits can be paid via BACS to Girl Guiding Leics – Special Events

Sort Code – 20-52-69

Account Number – 33563421

When it's happening

Saturday 21 Sep 2024
at 10:00 am
Sunday 22 Sep 2024 at 4:00 pm

Price: £40

for whole weekend event, please see information for individual section costs.

Venue information

Topstones County Campsite

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