Guiding Overseas Linked with Development (GOLD) enables young women to develop their potential and make a difference in the world. From joining campaigns to end violence against women and girls in Malawi, to encouraging young leaders in Latvia – GOLD empowers young women to work in partnership with other Guide associations around the world.

Trip Leaders

We are always looking for leaders for our trips. If you are aged 18 or over and would like to visit a new part of the world, to experience a different culture and to take part in a variety of exciting activities please get in touch with us using the ‘find out more’


INTOPS is an action-packed event, a fun-filled opportunity for 14-18-year-olds to learn about international opportunities available in guiding. By the end of the annual INTOPS event they’ll have been tested to the limit to see how they work in different situations and will have found out about opportunities that may be suited to their talents and interests.

Keeping girls safe

Safety is paramount in guiding! Here you can get to know our Safeguarding policy, how to handle disclosures and concerns, and how to stay safe online.