Try on uniform and get all your Girlguiding essentials in Leicestershire
Our Guide shop in Leicestershire, stocks most of the items available to buy from Girlguiding. Details for most of our member uniform can be found in our online catalogue and anything not in stock can be ordered.
Starting at pocket-money prices, we'll have something that's just right - whether you're looking for uniform, badges, books, gifts and more!
Noticeboard & special offers
Shop opening 2025
The shop will reopen on Thursday 9 January at 3pm 2025.
We offer a 10% discount on all Ranger, Young Leader and adult uniform. Please get in touch to purchase.
We are offering a further discount on some items of guide wear including the Guide dress, skirt and long-sleeved top. They are available while stocks last.
Any surplus made from the Girlguiding Leicestershire shop goes to benefit county members
Get everything you need for all sections of guiding from Guiding Essentials - our fantastic volunteer-run shop based at Girlguiding Leicestershire County Office.

Find our guiding essentials shop
Opening Hours (during school term time)
Monday: 10am-1pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 3pm-6pm
Friday: 10am-1pm
Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sunday: Closed