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Leicestershire embraces the lockdown by holding a LEAPover event where members try and sleep somewhere different to their bed for a night. Celebrations for 100 years of Girlguiding Leicestershire took place across the county. Leicestershire Brownie places the crown on the coffin of Richard III at his reinternment. Members from across the County come together to present ‘Kaleidoscope’ at the De Montfort Hall. Queen’s Guide Award reunion at Topstones and Beacon lit for the Jubilee celebrations. 100 years of Guiding. Many events for the Centenary happened – Rainbow Princess parties, Big Brownie takeover of Wicksteed Park, Great Guide Getaway to Hunstanton and to PGL, Senior Section visit the Isle of Man and Leaders’ Centenary Dinner. Guiding Centenary Launch event at Belvoir Castle. Events to celebrate begin including Brownies taking over the tracks at the Great Central Railway. New wing at Topstones opened. Leicestershire becomes the first county to move over to CRB forms. New County Office at 97 Princess Road East opened by Miss Bridget Towle accompanied by a Party on the Park. Launch of “Walk the Leicestershire Round” as part of fundraising efforts for the Activity barn at Topstones. First computerised edition of the bulletin sent out. Rainbows, Brownies take part in a Blue Peter programme. New section for 5-7 year olds, Rainbows, begins. Mrs Betty Stevens becomes the first Association Rainbow Adviser. County Headquarters at 56 Regent Road is opened by HRH the Princess Margaret, Association President with 7,000 greeting her on Victoria Park. Mrs Glenis Weston became the first county secretary appointed as a full time employee. Charnwood ’80 is the first joint Scout and Guide International Camp. Guides from 1st Billesdon and Tugby sponser a Guide from Swaziland to attend raising over £400 for her to come. First international camp – Tally Ho at Belvoir Castle. Visitors from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Holland, France, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and South Africa. Miss Anstice Gibbs, Chief Commissioner for the Commonwealth opened Topstones Campsite. Golden Jubilee Year – 50 years of Guiding. Leicestershire celebrates with a camp held at Launde Abbey. The Queen and Prince Phillip visit Leicestershire. 1000 Guides line the route at Victoria Park. Leicestershire County adopt a room at Foxlease. County Standard dedicated at De Montfort Hall. Leicester Trefoil Guild formed. County Cadets chosen to provide the colour party for the All England Cadet Rally in London. Rooms rented at Scout Headquarters at 132 Regent Road. Market Harborough Guides present flowers to the King and Queen as they pass through the town on a train. King’s Jubilee celebrated by tree planting and a bird bath presented to Abbey Park Gardens. Two Patrol leaders, Florence Reeve and Kitty Clarke, attended the first World Camp held at Foxlease. Lady Baden-Powell’s first visit to the County Leicestershire recognised as a Guiding County Miss Edith Wicking begins the 1st Leicester YWCA Guide Company